9:00 a.m.
Service with Communion
Fellowship with Refreshments
Bible Study
Sunday School
Choir Practice
6:30 p.m.
Catechism Instruction
Council Meeting
1:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study
Catered Pulled Pork Sandwiches (Serving Group 4)
Midweek Lent Service
Pastor David Young, Martin, SD
7:00 a.m.
Men’s Bible Study
Second Sunday in Lent
9:00 a.m.
Fellowship with Refreshments
Bible Study
Sunday School
Choir Practice
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of Christian believers in south-central South Dakota, organized in 1917. We confess the historic Christian faith, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and professed in the Lutheran Confessions, and we strive to practice that faith with God’s help.
What’s in Our Name?
We are an assembly of people united in a religious profession for a common purpose.
We believe, teach, and confess the historic Christian faith. It was Martin Luther’s (1483–1546) desire to reform the teachings of the Catholic Church, so that they would reflect what Holy Scripture (the Bible) teaches and what earlier Christians had once taught. Some hallmarks of Lutheranism include distinguishing between the law and the gospel, an emphasis on the solas (see below), and a high regard for the sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). We belong to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, a church body represented throughout the United States, and in fellowship with 33 other church bodies throughout the world.
Evangelical means “focusing on good news.” The overarching message of the Bible is a joyful one, centered in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus died on a cross around 33 AD to reconcile all humans with God, and then returned to life three days later, appearing to more than 500 eyewitnesses. Jesus’s resurrection proves that the Bible is true, that he saved us from sin and hell, and that all who trust in him can be certain of eternal life in heaven after this short life on earth is over.
Even though the name Trinity is not found in the Scriptures, it is a name the Church has used to describe the one true God, based on what he reveals to us about himself in the Scriptures. Trinity simply means “three-oneness.” God says that he is only one divine being, but that he exists in three divine persons—the Father who created us, the Son who redeemed us, and the Holy Spirit who makes us holy and keeps us in the faith.
The Three Solas
The teaching of Holy Scripture, restored to prominence during the Reformation, can be summarized this way: We are saved eternally only by God’s grace (sola gratia), which is only received through faith in the completely sufficient work of his Son Jesus Christ (sola fide), and God only reveals this truth to us in Holy Scripture (sola scriptura).
Ready to pay us a visit? Click here for our service schedule and a map.